Grape or Cherry Tomato Marinara

Grape or Cherry Tomato Marinara
Grape or Cherry Tomato Marinara

The trick for this Grape or Cherry Marinara is to get the very best and sweetest grape or cherry tomatoes you can find. I try to get mine at the farmer’s market, and oh my! This makes a tomato sauce that tastes like candy. I also put a ton of garlic in my marinara, because garlic is my thing. You can always cut on some of the garlic and add some heat too with fresh chile or red pepper flakes. The goal is to let it simmer gently, for a while. You’ll end up with a very sweet and rich sauce. And you’ll end up eating it with a spoon, without pasta!

If you make this recipe, I’d love to see it! Please tag @LivityGardens on social.


Grape or Cherry Tomato Marinara

  • Author: Karine K


  • 1/3 cup good olive oil
  • Grape tomatoes (I get the equivalent of 3 pints from the farmer’s market)
  • 3/4 of a whole head of garlic (minced)
  • Fresh basil, torn, to taste
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste


In large skillet (with a lid), heat up the oil over medium heat. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mix well to coat all the tomatoes. Add half of the garlic and some basil sprigs, and mix well. Put the lid on, reduced the heat to low and let simmer gently until the tomatoes start to burst open, maybe 5-10 minutes depending on the thickness of the tomatoes skin.

In large skillet (with a lid), heat up the oil over medium heat. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mix well to coat all the tomatoes. Add half of the garlic and some basil sprigs, and mix well. Put the lid on, reduced the heat to low and let simmer gently until the tomatoes start to burst open, maybe 5-10 minutes depending on the thickness of the tomatoes skin. 

Remove the lid, put the heat to medium-low, add the rest of the garlic and more basil. Taste and adjust for salt and pepper, and continue simmering, uncovered, until the sauce is thick and sweet, about 30 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings. Enjoy with your favorite pasta or zucchini noodles. Bon appétit!


I like my sauce chunky, but feel free to use an immersion blender to smooth out the texture and get rid of any pieces of tomato skin left behind.

Keywords: tomato, marinara

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Marinara de tomates cerises

  • Author: Karine K


  • 1/3 tasse d’huile d’olive
  • 3 pintes de tomates cerises
  • 10 gousses d’ail (émincées)
  • Basilic frais, haché, au goût
  • Sel de mer et poivre, au goût


Dans une grande poêle avec un couvercle, chauffer l’huile d’olive à feu moyen. Ajouter les tomates, le sel de mer et le poivre, et bien remuer. Ajouter la moitié de l’ail et des feuilles de basilic. Remuer, couvrir, réduire à feu doux, et laisser mijoter doucement jusqu’à ce que les tomates commencent à percer, environ 5 à 10 minutes, selon l’épaisseur de la peau des tomates.

Retirer le couvercle, monter le feu à moyen-bas, ajouter le reste de l’ail et plus de basilic. Goûter et ajuster les assaisonnements. Continuer de mijoter jusqu’à ce que la sauce soit épaisse et sucrée, environ 30 minutes. Goûter à nouveau et ajuster les assaisonnements. Bon appétit!

Keywords: tomates, marinara

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