Grilled Fennel, Kale, and Orange Salad

Grilled Fennel, Kale and Orange Salad
Grilled Fennel, Kale and Orange Salad

This grilled fennel, kale, and orange salad is one that could easily be made without grilling the fennel. You could slice it very thin and toss your salad same way. But by grilling the fennel, you open the door to a burst of different flavors and textures that will make you grill the fennel next time around as well! The key here is to have deep char marks on your fennel before turning it over. You want it to be caramelized. And it takes some time. It’s very hands off, but you have to be there to turn!

If you make this recipe, I’d love to see it. Please tag @LivityGardens on Instagram and use the hashtag #LivityGardens.

If you love fennel as much as I do, you will also enjoy this Quick Fennel and Garbanzo Beans Soup and this Shaved Fennel, Avocado, and Grapefruit Salad.


Grilled Fennel, Kale, and Orange Salad

  • Author: Karine K
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 large fennel bulbs, trimmed and cut in halves (you can keep some of the fennel fronds to decorate the plate)
  • 2 large oranges, one zested then juiced, the other cut in supremes
  • 1 bunch lacinato kale, cut in a chiffonade
  • 1 small shallot, minced
  • 1 teaspoon old style Dijon mustard (the grainy one)
  • 1/2 cup olive oil, plus more to oil the fennel halves
  • 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup (or to taste)
  • Sea salt and pepper


Start a grill over medium-high heat. Rub the fennel halves with some olive oil and season liberally with sea salt and pepper. Place the fennel cut-side down on the hot grill and cook, covered, until deep char marks appear on the flat side of the fennel halves. Turn and repeat the process on the other side. You can turn again and cook some more if your grill isn’t too hot. If the grill is too hot, transfer the fennel halves to the non heated zone of your grill (or on the little warming shelf many grills have). Cover and let cook some more until you obtain a very cooked, sweet tasting, and aromatic fennel.

While the fennel is cooking, make the vinaigrette by combining the orange juice, the orange zest, the shallot, Dijon, olive oil, maple syrup, and salt and pepper. Whisk until smooth, taste and adjust seasonings.

Toss the kale in a large bowl with a little bit of the vinaigrette and massage with your hands for one minute. Plate and set aside. Once the fennel is cooked, transfer to a cutting board and slice thin, discarding the cores. Transfer to the plate on top of the kale. Top with the orange supremes, some vinaigrette, and the fennel fronds.

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Salade de kale avec fenouil grillé et orange

Vous pouvez préparer cette salade de kale sans griller le fenouil, ou en le faisant revenir à la poêle jusqu’à ce qu’il soit tendre et caramélisé. Vous pouvez aussi le trancher très mince et omettre la cuisson. Mais en le grillant, on ouvre la porte à une plethora de saveurs qui ne déçoivent pas.

Si vous optez pour la cuisson du fenouil, allez-y à fond. La clé est d’obtenir des bulbes tendres et caramélisés. Et ça prends un peu de temps. C’est nullement difficile, mais vous devez y consacrer le temps nécessaire. Ça vaut le coup!

  • Author: Karine K
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 gros bulbes de fenouil, parés et coupés et deux fennel bulbs, trimmed and cut in halves (vous pouvez conserver des feuilles pour décorer)
  • 2 grosses oranges, une le zeste enlevé et le jus pressé et mis de côté, l’autre coupée en suprêmes
  • 1 botte de kale lacinato, coupé en chiffonnade
  • 1 petite échalote française, émincée
  • 1 c. à thé de moutarde à l’ancienne
  • 1/2 tasse d’huile d’olive, plus 2 c. à thé pour le fenouil (si vous le grillez)
  • 1/2 c. à thé de sirop d’érable (ou au goût)
  • Sel de mer et poivre du moulin


    Chauffer le grill à feu moyen-élevé. Badigeonner les moitiés de fenouil avec les 2 c. à thé d’huile d’olive et assaisonner de sel et de poivre. Placer le fenouil, partie coupée vers le bas, sur le grill chaud, à couvert, et cuire jusqu’à ce que des marques de cuisson prononcées apparaissent. Tourner et répéter de l’autre côté. Répéter le processus ou placer le fenouil sur une partie moins chaude du grill, s’il commence à brûler. Couvrir et cuire à nouveau jusqu’à l’obtention d’un fenouil tendre, aromatique et caramélisé.

    Pendant que le fenouil cuit sur le grill, préparer la vinaigrette. Combiner le jus d’orange, le zeste d’orange, l’échalote, la moutarde, l’huile d’olive, le sirop d’érable, le sel et le poivre. Bien mélanger.

    Dans un grand bol, placer le kale. Verser un peu de la vinaigrette et masser avec les mains pendant une minute. Placer ensuite sur une assiette de service.Un fois le fenouil cuit, trancher mince, jusqu’au coeur. Placer délicatement sur le kale. Garnir ensuite des suprêmes d’orange, de la vinaigrette, et des feuilles de fenouil.

    Did you make this recipe?

    Share a photo and tag us — we can’t wait to see what you’ve made!

    I went to a vegan BBQ…

    So, yes. I did it. I put the words vegan and BBQ in the same sentence. I know. But Monday night was a feast in the greater, powerful sense of the term. Not only a feast for the eyes, but a fuzzy feeling inside, and this delightful state of not wanting to stop eating. Ever.

    The vegan BBQ started with the vegetables. Of course. Aren’t they so enticing? Organic plants that just won’t stop giving. The colors, the smells… Even the kids wouldn’t stop eating the raw veggies before I grilled them. My first star was the BBQ’ed cauliflower. I often go back to the same BBQ sauce my mom used to make (from scratch), and use it on different vegetables. I only swapped the butter in the recipe for an Earth Balance spread.

    Start with some vegetables...
    Start with some vegetables…

    Then came the corn, onions, zucchinis, mushrooms, peppers, and more onions, because I have a serious addiction to onions, garlic, anything belonging to the Allium genus really.

    The trick when grilling a bunch of vegetables is knowing when to put them on, so they are all ready at the same time. It takes a bit of practice and common sense, but just think about it before putting them on. Obviously, a zucchini will cook way faster than an onion. Here’s a chart from Addicted to Grilling, it could help at least steer you in the right direction. The other important thing is oiling your vegetables. That will impart flavor, of course, but it will prevent from sticking. So now, close your eyes and imagine a BBQ filled with stuff. Now imagine that this stuff is all vegetables!

    Vegetables on the grill
    Vegetables on the grill

    Feel free to add skewers of marinated tofu, tempeh, or seitan. I made some freekeh to accompany the vegetables, served with a Pepita-Cilantro Pesto, from another recipe, and I had a meal. Trust me, the flavors of the grill can also be applied to a vegetable. Those portobello mushrooms were better than a flatiron steak. Great thing also is if you have leftovers, you can either reheat the next day in the oven, or make a vegetable soup. Either way, you can’t go wrong! Enjoy your vegan BBQ!

    A Plant-Based BBQ
    A Plant-Based BBQ